Tuesday 15 February 2011


Digi pak-

CD cover-
This is the original picture that i used-

I did many things to this picture to make it how i wanted it for my album front cover, i used PhotoShop to edit it. The things that i changed were the colour of the back ground, her lips, her teeth, i got rid of her shadow and also made the colour of her skin more radiant.

After i had edited this picture, i needed to decide where i was going to put the AMELIA, it was between 2 options, this was the first option-

And the one that i chose was the one that is featured on my CD cover-

After i had worked out where i was going to put AMELIA, i needed to work out where to put 'The Voice Within', i tried many different places, here are the different places where i could have put it-


I decided that i didnt really like where i had put it on any of these so i decided to put it below the A and the M of AMELIA, this worked really well and finished off my CD cover, this is my final CD cover-

This is how my final product looks, i am really happy with the way that it turned out as before the image was very dark and didnt look very interesting, i have lightened it up by putting more radiant colours in it like the white background.

I think that this CD cover goes very well with the kind of album i am trying to advertise, it shows the artist (Amelia) as a very happy person, and this is what the album is, happy.

I think that this is an eye-catching CD cover and i think that if i walked past it in a shop then i would take a second look at it.

Back of CD-
This is the original picture that i used-
I didnt really do anything to make this look different for the back of my CD cover, the only thing that i have done to make this different is got rid of the shadow that you can see around her right shoulder.

I added this bar code to the bottom of the back of my CD cover, this is for the distribution of my CD, it is important that i have featured this somewhere on the album cover because without this no-one can buy it. 

This is the final product of the back of my CD cover-
I am really happy with the way that this has turned out considering i didnt edit it that much, i didnt want to edit it too much because i wanted her to look different to what she does on the front of the CD cover.

Another thing is that it is nice to see music artists when they are looking natural because it doesn't happen that often and also it connects with the message that my music video is trying to get across of you not having to wear make-up to look pretty.

Magazine advertisement-

At the beginning i didnt really know what to do for a magazine advertisement so i typed it into Google images and many different things came up, this is the one that caught my eye because i am mainly aiming my music video at the female gender so the pink works really well. I also like the way that the girl is positioned in the middle of the page. I feel that this magazine advertisement is eye catching because of the colours and it makes you want to know more about the product that is being advertised.

This is my magazine advertisement-

I really liked the look of my influence, i liked the colours that they had used so i wanted to use the same colours, and i also liked the way that they had used white for the writing, i copied this because i thought it looked eye catching and interesting.

I like the way that this has turned out and i am happy to be able to use it for my magazine advertisement. i used the same image that i used for my album front cover, i thought that i should because that is how i have tied my 2 ancillaries together.

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