Thursday 9 December 2010

Filming diary

What filming I did
11th December 2010
Today I filmed words from the song that im using (The voice within) using different things to represent the words, for instance the word ‘fall’ within the song I represented by writing ‘fall’ on an egg, then filming me dropping it and it landing on the concrete, this seemed to work very well and I really wanted to out it in my music video but when I uploaded it onto my video I had to speed it up quite a lot and it didn’t really work with the genre of the song as it quite a slow song. Another thing that I filmed today was the word ‘cry’ written on a piece of paper in glitter, I then got my friend to blow it away. At first this seemed like a really good and effective idea but when it came to doing it, it really didn’t work as there was too much wind and when my friend was blowing it away you could see her within the camera.
20th December 2010
Today I filmed the title of the song using different things to represent the words, I used different things like broken up plastic cutlery- this was to represent the fact that my music video is all about eating disorders and not liking the way that people look to themselves. Another thing that I used was jewellery- this represented people wearing different thing than they normally do to make themselves look better and so that they think that they will fit in better if they look different to how they did previously.
2nd January 2011
Today I filmed my friend Harriet (my actress) trying to eat some marmite on toast in the setting of my dining room, the footage shows her taking a bite of it and then pushing the plate away because she just cant face eating it. This bit is all about her wanting to eat it but knowing that she doesn’t fit in and hearing that they way that the models and people in the media loose weight is to not eat she doesn’t like eating.
13th January 2011
I filmed Amelia (my acting singer) today for the first time, I think that it went really well apart from the fact that the lighting was too dark and you couldn’t really see her facial expressions, this is a problem to me because I want my audience to see what she looks like so that they can try and relate with the words that she is trying to get across.
25th January 2011
I filmed Harriet again today, I think that it all went really well and I have used quite a lot of the footage that I filmed, for example- her looking at the magazines on my bed, her smoking outside, the E A T in the kitchen and her walking up the stairs. I really like this footage because I feel that people that don’t like the way that they look do this kind of stuff every day, so it is looking at the normality side of things, but also knowing that they are bad things.
29th January 2011
I filmed Harriet sitting on the bench today. I wanted her sitting on a bench in the sunlight because it says in the sun ‘soon you’re gonna see a brighter day’ so I wanted to make sure that I had some filming in the daytime outside as a lot of my filming is done inside and at night.
3rd February 2011
Today I filmed Amelia again and got all the footage that I wanted and needed, there was one problem when I uploaded it though and that was that some of the movements of her mouth didn’t fit with the words to the song, this forced me to do a lot of editing, it took a long time to get it right but I got there in the end and I am happy with the way that it looks.
10th February 2011
After today I will not need to do anymore filming as I have now got all the footage that I need. Today I filmed Harriet (again) at my house, the things that I filmed her doing that I have used in my film are her ripping the posters off the wall, her trying on different clothes to see what she feels best in and her doing her make-up.

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