Thursday 9 December 2010

Social networking

I created a status asking my friends on the social networking site of 'Facebook' to find out what they would like to see in my music video.

These are the results that i received...

Megan Barrett If i were to make a music video about how a girl feels about herself, what type of things would you expect to see on it?

3 hours ago ·  · 

    • Tom Kingwell how about having someone dancing? in the dance studio,
      then having someone singing somewhere else or in the dance studio, but
      not really there, if you get what i mean?
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anna Moore is this girl meant to be insecure? like whats the character of
      her then u can determine what u would expect to see

      3 hours ago · 

    • Megan Barrett Yeah insecure about what she looks like so she does
      things to see if it makes her feel any better, like stops eating and things
      like that...
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anna Moore u could do a scene where she eats loads and then makes
      herself sick. then maybe a scene where shes looking in mirror and maybe
      have written on it in lipstick why am i so ugly with the girl crying looking
      at it. scene trying on loads of clothes to feel comfortable but just ends up
      crying. that any help?
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anna Moore oh any maybe looking at media looking through magazines
      at perfect models and actresses.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Olivia Deen umm maybe loadsa make up etc just to cover up the
      real her... cus i know a lot of people like that :)
      2 hours ago · 

    • Arianne Williams 
      havent read all the other comments so this might be the same...
      if shes insecure do shots of her with something symbolising how
      shes different, and of her friends looking "normal" make up and
      clothes is probably a good thing to look at.

      2 hours ago · 

    • Lauren Mcmahon her with lots of make up on and then none to like
      show differant sides of her wiv (confident) and without (insecure) her
      2 hours ago · 

    • Arianne Williams ooh and i like the magazines idea, do something with that :)
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ella Robinson I haven't read all comments but a nice shot idea would
      be maybe a street full of people walking and then her just standing
      there, you could even speed up the people walking. So that she is
      invisible ??? Or have her looking in the mirror and the reflection back
      in the mirror changes due to how she feels?? x x x x
      2 hours ago · 

    • Milly Harding Do it on her trying to find herself, trying different styles
      of fashion in a mirror doing poses, emo, punk, chav, posh, you name
      it and at the end she sees she is happy just the way she was. Shows that
      you're trying to show in a music video to be happy with yourself rather
      trying be some one else. Videos these days make people want to be rich,
      pretty, skinny..... Etc which you can say is making a bad example. X
      3 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile · 

    • Milly Harding Make sure she starts insecure x
      2 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile · 

I found that doing this was a very good way of finding out what people would want to see within my music video, as there is a few suggestions that i think would portray my idea well i will be using these, for instance having the girl looking through a load of fashion magazines, having the girl look at herself in the mirror with things written on it and another thing that i liked was having the girl standing in the middle of a load of people walking past, i think this is a really good idea because it gives off the image that she is almost invisible to everyone else and she is trying to get herself seen by everyone that is walking past her.

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