Tuesday 16 November 2010


The singer
Clothing- I want my actor to be wearing a simple black dress as when i am filming her it will be in black and white and i feel that having a simple coloured dress will be powerful as the whole message that i am trying to get across is that you don't need to be wearing all these fancy clothes and make-up for you to look pretty so i feel that by having the singer in my video setting this example then it will help me to get my message across, i also feel that if i am trying to set this example then it is important that i am also following it through otherwise it will be seen as hypocritical.

I have chosen this dress because of the simplicity of it, i also think that with the diamanté it adds a sense of class.

Make-up- The make up that i want my singer to wear is very little as i want her to look natural, this is for the same reason as i want her to be wearing simple clothes because i feel that following the same example as i am setting is important in this case.

The actor
Clothing- The clothes that i want my actor to wear at the beginning of my music video are normal, everyday clothes, this is because i want her to seem like the typical teenager to anyone that watches my video. As my music video is all about a girl not liking the way that she looks and she is trying to do all of these different things to try and make herself feel alot better about how she is looking to other people and how she tries to make her feel inside. Halfway through my music video i want her to change clothes into something more glamorous like a short, colourful dress, this i think is an important thing to have feature in my music video because the message that i am trying to get across is that she is putting herself in all these fashionable clothes to do everyday things, this is because she thinks that it will make her fit in when it actually makes her get picked on even more because the 'other girls' think, and notice that she is trying too hard to make herself fit in with them.

Make-up- I want my actor to be wearing no make-up at all at the beginning of my music video, i feel that this is important because i am trying to get the message across that you dont have to wear a load of make-up to make yourself look pretty, and then, the same as the costume changing, i want her to be doing her make-up in the mirror one day as if she is going to be going out, she is going to be wearing alot of mascara as she will think that it makes her eyes look more appealing and also she will be wearing alot of foundation to cover up her face.

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