Wednesday 29 September 2010


The actor that i have chosen to be in my music video is a girl the age of 17, i have chosen to use someone this age because that is the age of my target audience so i believe that having someone in my video the same age as my audience it will have more of an effect on them knowing that they are the same age as them, i also think that it will give people a shock because some of the people that i am using look older than they actually are and some of the people look younger than they are. This may effect peoples views because the audience will want to know how they look younger than they are and the younger people will want to know how to look younger than they are. This, i think, is all because of the media and how it makes people feel different and how it comes across that people need to look better to impress different people for example people becoming anorexic and bulimic. I have also got another actor acting as the singer in my music video, i will be filming her in a 'parallel sequence' to my other actor who will be playing a girl that isn't happy with herself and the way that she looks, i have taken pictures of the actors that i will be using...

<----- Harriet
This is the girl that is playing the girl that isn't happy with the way that she looks, i have chosen Harriet because she is an A level drama student and i feel that she would play the part well and i also think that she would make her story believable.
                                                             Amelia---->          This is the girl that will be playing the part of the singer in my music video, i have chosen her because she is a singer and she knows the song very well so it wont be obvious that she is lip-sinking the song that i am using (The voice within- Christina Augilera) 

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