Tuesday 28 September 2010


Within my media coursework (music video) i am going to be representing girls between the ages of 14 and 20. This is because i feel that this is the age group that is affected most by the media, and this is the age group that comes across to care about what they look like the most. I have also chosen this age group because this is my target audience so i think that using people in my music video that is within this age range will have more of an effect on them.

Representation Theory

I went to ask a few people some questions to see what they thought about the whole idea of skinny people and their feelings, these are the questions that i asked them and their answers:

What is the first thing that comes to your head when i say annorexic?

Katherine- Skinny. Bony. Eating apples. Sticks. Models.

Partick- Unwell. Pressure to look skinny.

Tom- Eating disorder. Unhealthy. Mentally pressured by the media    and their peers.

What do you think when i say super model?

Dani- Skinny,.Pretty. Fake. Make-up. Tall.

Tom- Hot. Flat chest. Too skinny.

What is insecurity?

Amy- Not feeling confident. What people think of you and how people see you. Not showing body parts.

Becky- Struggling with confidence. No trust in anyone. Paranoid.Not feeling good about yourself.

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