Thursday 23 September 2010


I have created a questionnaire that i have sent out to 10 people within the ages of 16 and 24, I gave 5 to the male gender and the other 5 to the female gender.
My questionnaire looked like this:

1. Are you...? 
    Male      Female
   ____       ____ 

2. How old are you?
3. How often do you watch music channels?
   Everyday   Once a week   Twice a week   Weekends   Other    
     ____             ____               ____            ____         ____  

4. What music channels do you watch?
    None   Kiss    Q     MTV   FLAVA   Other (please state)                                              
    ___     ___   ___    ___     ___         _______________      

5. How much media do you watch? (Films, music etc.)
    A lot   Not much   None   Other
    ____     ____       ____   ____  

6. How do you access the media?
    Television   Radio   Internet   Other
       ____       ____     ____      ____ 

7. Would you say that your looks affected by the media?

8. Would you say that the way you act affected by the media?

9. What was the last music video you watched about?

10. Are you happy with the way you look?

11. If you could choose your image, what would you change about yourself?

12. What musician would you aspire to look and be like?

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