Thursday 23 September 2010

Brief choice

For my coursework, I have chosen to create a music promotion video, the two other options that i have chosen to do are: to make a CD cover and a magazine advertisement.

I am going to be featuring a selection of short videos of a girl looking at herself in the mirror looking at her body and covering it up as if she is not happy with the way that she looks, it is all going to be about other people making people feel like this about themselves and what the bullies do to provoke these feelings.

I came up with this idea because I believe that the human body is beautiful and people should cherish how they are built and the looks that they have been given, it will show a girl that is so unhappy with what she looks that she does silly things like stops eating because she feels that being thin is the only way that she will be excepted. The song that I will be using is The Voice Within by Christina Aguilera, I feel like this song is sending across a message that should be listened to by everyone that feels bad about themselves when they shouldn’t. My influences for this is the Christina Aguilera song and video Beautiful, I am influenced by this because it is sending across the same message that i am going to try to portray, I think that my video will be successful with the female gender aged 14-20 because I feel that this is the age that is influenced by the media the most.

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